Sunday, January 26, 2020

The Work Satisfaction And Motivation Questionnaire Psychology Essay

The Work Satisfaction And Motivation Questionnaire Psychology Essay According to Neuman, 2000 population can be seen as a number of things such as individuals or groups, the researcher wants to investigate. Whereas Cooper Schindler, 2001; Saunders, Lewis Thornhill, 2000; Sekaran, 2000 refers to it as an entire group that allows data to be sourced and investigated. By establishing this, I have concluded that 60 sales employees of Currys/PC World Mega Store would be investigated upon, this is because it would provide an accurate answer to the research question identified in chapter one. SAMPLE SIZE Sample also had a similar definition to population as cited by (Sekaran, 2000, p.226) a subset of the population. In their latest book Somekh and Lewin 2005, it refers to as individuals from whole selection of entire population. Neuman 1994 talk about the sample ratio, as he implies that size of population will determine the sampling ratio for example the limitation of handing out the questionnaire the higher the ratio need. By looking at this view the sample size I used should be around 60 to give a better result in response. However out of 60, 43 participated in this study. 17 out of 60 returned questionnaires which were uncompleted due to being misplaced or failed to complete questionnaire. 3.3.2 SAMPLING DESIGN In outlining the size of this investigation above, it can be said that the type sampling which was used for this purpose of research was in fact the non-probability. As cited by Welman Kruger, 2001 it is less complicated than a probability sampling design, incurs less expense and may be done to take advantage of the available respondents without the statistical complexity of a probability sample. 3.3.3 QUESTIONNAIRE DESIGN Robert 2006 states which I have interpreted as a survey, is a technique for research that enables to gather information from a group of people, in this case sale employees only, even thought they are in different departments they still do the same job as others. Terre blanche and Durrheim 2003 also confirm this, however the process of questionnaire construction is very complex, as stated by Whiteley 2003:371. SURVEY QUESTIONNAIRE As we move on, Edwards et al 1997:24 state the survey questions can be two put into two categories, one being open-ending they other closed- ending. Researchers main use closed-ended questions as it is the preferred because the answer are set in a way that can easily be quantified by the researcher, stated by Whiteley, 2002:345. With this understanding I have incorporated Likert rating scales because it would make it easier for the employee to answer the question based on how strongly they feel, positive or negative. I had used the five-point Likert scales the In my analysis of motivation and job satisfaction at Currys/PC World Mega Store. DATA GATHERING INSTRUMENTS Linde, Rothmann and Sieberhagen (1999 cited in van Zyl, 2002) add that as self evaluation questionnaires are usually quantified, it is easier to compare the scores of different individuals. Weiers (1988) further postulates that the analysis of questionnaires is easy due to the structured information in the questionnaire with minimal or no open-ended questions. Kerlinger (1986) however, found that the main problems experienced using questionnaires involve poor levels of response and the limitation of not being able to test the given responses for accuracy. Furthermore, the validity of self-evaluation questionnaires may differ from situation to situation as some items are ambiguous and could be viewed as having two possible answers (Smith, 1981 cited in van Zyl, 2002; van Zyl van der Walt, 1994). 3.4 RESEARCH STRATEGY 3.4.3 ETHICS CHECKLIST The study involves participants who are employees at DSGI only. All research carried out would be by myself. A statement would be provided on the questionnaire giving participant information about the research, that they understand the nature of the work and what is expected of them. The study will not involve discussion of sensitive topics (e.g. managers or employees dislike). No financial inducements will be offered to participants. Identification of the steps to be taken to ensure that participants do not feel pressurised to participate.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬Å¡ 3.4.1 TIMEFRAME OF RESEARCH To conduct this research I had created a timeframe so it doesnt interfere with other commitment. It also enabled me to stay on top of study so I can get the best results needed, I had given myself 1 month period to complete study. Task Duration Resources Required Begin the secondary research 4 weeks Books, journals, internet Complete literature review 14 days Books, journals, internet; Computer Choose sample 21 days Design questionnaire in draft 14 days Books, computers Finalise questionnaire 4 days Computer; books Carry out questionnaires 6 weeks Transport and Appropriate venue Gathering of all data 1 week Paper, computer Analyse the data and responses to the questionnaires 5 weeks Computer, software e.g excel, Books, journals 3.4.2 RESEARCH IMPLEMENTATION The required data will be collected by producing a questionnaire about views, thoughts and opinions of sales employees. It will include qualitative and quantitative data used open and closed questions. The results of the multiple choice questions can be produced into a tally table. Graphs can be produced using a computer to illustrate the research results. A quantitative method was used to gather data for the research. The measuring instruments included the Work Satisfaction and Motivation Questionnaire developed by De Beer (1987) and a self developed biographical questionnaire. 3.4.4 PRE-TEST OF QUESTIONNAIRE I had created a questionnaire which I was not satisfied with at first. I felt I should add or edit question that needed to be asked, also on back of my mind that too many question would results in more literature review, due to the limitation of study I had refined question that best suited the literature research i had undertaken. According to Zikmund 2003:229 had stated that a trial run with a group of five to seven would criticize the questions, structure and design of questionnaire. After the feedback was processed and analysed, some changes were made to wording and layout as well as the type of question asked i.e. from open question which need explaining of reason of choose at they stated time consuming and the most important fact that they are there to work. This is why i had introduced Likert rating scales question which made it easy to respond as they need to but an x in the statement they believe. 3.4.6 RESEARCH APPROACH A modified questionnaire tagged Work Motivation, Job Satisfaction was used for the collection of data on the study. The questionnaire was specifically designed to accomplish the objectives of the study. The first section collected information such as age, sex, experience, professional status, marital status, position, and so on. The second section contained the items, and was divided into three parts. The biographical questionnaire was used to determine the demographic profile of the sample. Questions tapped into the following personal information of the individual: age, race, gender, designation, years employed at the organisation, educational level, and language spoken. by De Beer (1987) Part1. This measures motivation. It is a 15-item questionnaire using a Likert scale with responses ranging from Strongly Agree= SA; Agree = A; Disagree = D; and Strongly Disagree = SD. The items were adapted from Work Motivation Behaviour Scale of the Akinboyes 2001 Executive Behaviour Battery. The modification yielded an r = 0.74 Cronbach Alpha. Part 2. This part contains fifteen items that measure organizational commitment, using a Likert scale of four points: Strongly Agree, Agree, Disagree, and Strongly Disagree. Items were adapted from organizational commitment questionnaire (OCQ) by Mooday, Steer, and Porter (1979). The overall reliability co-efficient of the instrument yielded an r = 0.83 cronbach alpha. 3.5 PROCEDURE I had to ask for permission from managing director of Currys/PC World Mega Store to conduct the research on sales employees. This was the first hurdle as permission was then obtained from sales departments mangers. I had provided the questionnaires to managers direct to hand out as they discuss the sales figures in the brief which made it easy for colleague to participate. Cover letter explained the purposes of the research, that participation was voluntary and what the results would be used for. (Furthermore, respondents were assured that all responses would remain confidential, respondents would remain anonymous and that only grouped data would be presented. To stay anonymous i had suggested that they place questionnaire in a tray which was provided for each department, this was explained to managers. As to time frame and collecting enough data, I had chosen three of the most busiest days so I can have good range of answer which would give me an accurate answer to the question I was answering, 3.5 DISCUSSION RESEARCH APPROACH ADVANTAGE The data was gathered by means of self-report questionnaires. Rosnow and Rosenthal (1996) have outlined the advantages of using questionnaires as follows: It can be administered to large numbers of individuals The method also allows anonymity It is relatively more economical to use Linde, Rothmann and Sieberhagen (1999 cited in van Zyl, 2002) add that as selfevaluation questionnaires are usually quantified, it is easier to compare the scores of different individuals. Weiers (1988) further postulates that the analysis of questionnaires is easy due to the structured information in the questionnaire with minimal or no open-ended questions. DISADVANTAGES Kerlinger (1986) however, found that the main problems experienced using questionnaires involve poor levels of response and the limitation of not being able to test the given responses for accuracy. Furthermore, the validity of self-evaluation questionnaires may differ from situation to situation as some items are ambiguous and could be viewed as having two possible answers (Smith, 1981 cited in van Zyl, 2002; van Zyl van der Walt, 1994). DATA COLLECTION METHOD ADVANTAGES For the purposes of this research, a questionnaire was considered appropriate as data gathering instrument. Denzin and Lincoln (2002) postulates that there are specific benefits of utilising questionnaires: The cost per questionnaire is relatively low. Structured information in the questionnaire and few open questions makes analysing questionnaires is relatively straightforward. Questionnaires give respondents extended time to formulate accurate responses. This method of data collection produces quick results. Questionnaires are a stable, consistent and uniform method of collecting data. The advantage, Convenience sampling involves collecting information from members of the population who are most easily accessible and conveniently available to provide the required information (Kerlinger, 1986). The rationale for using this method is that it is convenient, quick and costeffective (Neuman, 1997; Terre Blanche Durrheim, 1999). DISADVANTAGES Based on discussion, I have identified ..of using questionnaire as following: The negative reaction of the public towards questionnaires. Usage of questionnaires is limited to literate respondents. Questionnaires are time consuming due to the construction of a linguistic questionnaire and the response time of respondents (Bless Higson-Smith, as cited in Roberts, 2005).Kerlinger, as cited in Roberts (2005) argues that the response rate for questionnaires tends to be relatively low. A response rate of between 20 to 4 percent (20% 40%) can be expected when utilising questionnaires as a datagathering instrument (Bless Higson-Smith, as cited in Roberts, 2005). The disadvantage however, is that the properties of the sample are likely to under or overestimate the true population values (Terre Blanche Durrheim, 1999). Moreover, the sample may misrepresent the population and the results cannot easily and accurately be generalised (Neuman, 1997; Sekaran, 2000).) 3.6 LIMITATIONS A limitation of this research could be, how the sample is going to be chosen amount of time i have to complete the dissertation, it also can affect the achievement on how much research we could gather and the various research skills that we could reflect in my work to gain information about motivation and job satisfaction. The availability of primary research carried out, as most or nearly all of primary research will be collected from journals, books and scalars. This will produce critical analysis which argues for and against represent all the population and a general view. So therefore results will only reflect what author think about motivation and job satisfaction in Currys/PC World Mega Store on sales employees. 3.7 SUMMARY OF THE CHAPTER This chapter outlined the description of the research design, provided a description of the sample and discussed the demographics of the sample. The data collection procedure were presented. The instruments used to gather the data were highlighted and described, and reference was made to the reliability and validity of the Work Satisfaction and Motivation Questionnaire. 3.7.1 INTRODUCTION OF NEXT CHAPTER Chapter 4 presents and discusses the data obtained in relation to literature reviewed in chapter two. The results are presented in a clear and coherent manner, using tables, graphs etc. This results are then critically discusses why this results are so in conjunction with motivation and job satisfaction.

Friday, January 17, 2020

In William Shakespeare’s “Measure for Measure”: Understanding of Isabella and Claudio’s relationship

In William Shakespeare's â€Å"Measure for Measure†, the characters, and the manner in which they interact, play a critical part of the overall tone and atmosphere of the plot. One of the character's most important functions is to provide action in the scene, and insight into the various relationships that appear throughout the play, this is evident in the exchange we witness between Isabella and Claudio in Act Three, Scene one. Both characters are of considerable significance within the play, so it is interesting to note how their actions will shape the remainder of the plot. Shortly before the beginning of Act three's drama, we see Isabella confronted by Angelo, where he proposes the question, â€Å"which had you rather, that the most just law now took your brothers life, or to redeem him give up your body to such sweet uncleanness as she that he hath stained?† Isabella had been literally placed in a life – death situation here, for if she were to give in to Angelo she would lose her integrity, and essentially her soul, but were she to defy him, her brother would be beheaded the next day. Isabella, as we have witnessed in past scenes, holds strong morals, and she indeed refuses to follow with Angelo's proposal. After this seemingly traumatic encounter, Isabella gives the audience a short soliloquy in which she highlights her situation, she has already decided in her head that her brother will die, â€Å"Then, Isabel, live chaste, and, brother, die.† Keeping in mind that Isabella has seemingly premeditated the outcome of her brother's sentence, the reader wonders why she is even informing him of Angelo's proposition. When she does speak to Claudio in act three, scene one, her explanation of the offer is slow and dramatic, she first establishes her moral position before she actually gets to mention the specifics, perhaps this shows that she does have faith in her brother's ideals. She starts off by over-emphasising how evil Angelo is, â€Å"There is a devilish mercy in the judge†, maybe she hopes that Claudio would prefer is she didn't lose her chastity to a man so wicked in nature. From the point of her entry, we can sense a shift in the mood on the scene. There is a heightened feeling of suspense and anticipation as she continues to elude Claudio's questioning of the required act itself. During this time, Claudio is gradually getting frustrated, this frustration soon turns to brashness, â€Å"If I must die, I will encoun ter darkness as a bride and hug it in mine arms.† When Isabella finally yields to Claudio the term of his freedom, his initial reaction is of disgust, â€Å"Thou shalt not do't†. Soon after, we as the audience gain an insight into the workings of Claudio's and essentially man's mind, for it is the human condition to be fearful of death. We can see that Isabella and Claudio differ quite significantly when it comes to moral grounds. Fornication in Claudio's mind is â€Å"the least† of the seven deadly sins, whereas Isabella clearly places her religious piety above all others. One gets the feeling that if Isabella had stated the proposition without delay, she would have not left Claudio in an excited and hasty state, and perhaps he would have given the proposition less thought. From his first reactions of boldness, we now see a weaker, almost pleading Claudio, for when he speaks of death he gives a visceral description, one that comes from a man on the verge of an unknown journey into darkness and, â€Å"cold obstruction†. Claudio is seemingly on his knees now, â€Å"Sweet sister, let me live†, this gives the reader the impression that Isabella is cold hearted and unmoving in her treatment of her brother. Claudio, a desperate man, clinging on to the last straws of hope attempts to change Isabella's outlook on the situation, he makes it out to be that if she were to commit the sin with Angelo she would be saving her brothers life, and that end in itself would be sufficient enough to almost supersede the initial means. But Isabella continues to live up to her self righteous and hypocritical characteristics, for upon hearing her brother's plea she exhumes wrath, abusing him as a â€Å"beast†, â€Å"faithless coward† and â€Å"dishonest wretch.† Isabella's willingness to sacrifice her brother's life to maintain her personal honour further separates her from her brother, for at this point; it is evident that it will be unlikely for the two to ever return to a normal relationship. Furthermore, it is interesting that amidst this power struggle, similarities in each other's character emerges, for while it may seem that they do not share the same views, in reality neither is willing to be a martyr for the other's beliefs. The Duke, in the disguise of a friar's habit, offers an end to the intense conflict that has taken course, with an alternate plan of events. The relationships that characters possess are crucial to the overall theme of the play, for many, if not all of the questions raised in ‘Measure for Measure' are in fact questions on human nature. In essence act three, scene one encompasses perhaps the central theme, a question of morals, love and religion. In their dialect we see Isabella give greater weight to religion over love when it comes to Claudio's life, perhaps the fact that Shakespeare rather abruptly ends the conversation suggests that this question in particular is one of great consequence and importance. For instead of giving us a clear answer, he leaves the problem open, and somewhat free to personal belief and opinion.

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Brand Loyalty at Whole Foods Market - 1186 Words

------------------------------------------------- Brand Loyalty At Whole Foods Market 1 Brand Loyalty Simplified brand loyalty describes a status in which consumers determine their selves in; out of it they become committed to a brand. Thereby they continue purchasing products or services of a specific brand. At this point consumers rather spent more money on a product of a specific brand than buying from multiple suppliers within the same category. Mainly brand loyalty is a result of consumer’s behavior, which is enforced through a company’s measurements regarding branding. Branding is a process that a company runs through in order to establish a new brand. The ambition here is to strengthen a unique name and image for a product in†¦show more content†¦All these criteria, besides the very high quality products they offer, justify the higher pricing of WFM. However, they even offer an inexpensive private label called â€Å" 356 Everyday Value†. By this they even attract customers that only have limited financial resources, such as students or generally speaking people with lower income. Thereby Whole Foods Market manages to cover a wide spectrum of target groups and to provide perfect conditions for brand loyalty. 2.2. Customer Relationship Marketing Other than an intensified customer oriented concept, Whole Foods offers a variety of active customer programs to solidify their relationships between current and potential customers. Whole Foods strives to make each client feel special. Furthermore, the company has created various programs to prove their loyalty and appreciation towards their customers. At Whole Foods, each buyer has the possibility to print coupons, rewarding customers with special deals to save more money of items. This can come in handy since the company offers different products every week, which are always all very popular and essential to the further development of the company. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Adolescent Sleep Deprivation Causes, Effects, and Prevention

Adolescent Sleep Deprivation: Causes, Effects, and Prevention Adolescent sleep deprivation is a common problem in today’s society, and it is also a very dangerous one. There have been numerous studies done to determine the causes of sleep deprivation in teenagers, the most prevalent being teens not getting enough sleep due to things like jobs and early school start times. There are many perceived dangers of this, such as sleepiness while driving and a risk for hypertension. There are a few ways to prevent these problems, ranging from parents stepping in to ensure teens get the proper amount of sleep to changing school start times to a later hour. Adolescent sleep deprivation is something that everyone, parents and teens alike, should†¦show more content†¦This is a very unlikely scenario for teens when time for homework, jobs, socializing, and biologically nessicary functions are taken in to consideration. Not getting enough sleep is not just bad for a student’s health; it is dangerous for everyone around them. Sleep deprivation has a lot of dangers associated with it. It can cause hypertension and, because of something commonly called Sleep Debt, it sometimes causes dangerous driving conditions. Sleep debt is the amount of sleep a person has lost over time, and it must be paid back just like a money loan would need to be (Dement amp; Vaughan, p. 501). Christopher Dement explains (1999), â€Å"Regardless of how rapidly it [sleep debt] can be paid back, the important thing is that the size of the sleep debt and its dengerous effects are definitely directly related to the amount of lost sleep† (p. 501). Risks for hypertension have also been linked to sleep deprivation because it can increase a person’s stress level. A study done by Dr. Susan Redline and published in the Science Journal Circulation on August 19, 2008 reports that: Teens who do not get enough sleep––or do not sleep well––have a greater risk for hypertension. In fact, one in seven of the teens in the study either had high blood pressure or were in the prehypertension stage. (as cited in Silver) Hypertension is a very serious problem that, if left untreated, can lead to heart attacks, strokes, and other organ failure. NotShow MoreRelatedReasons Why Schools Should Start Later During The Day1295 Words   |  6 Pages I am doing my paper on the reasons of why schools should start later in the day. I will analyze many negative effects that come with sleep deprivation, such as caffeine usage and car wrecks. I will also discuss the positive aspects of schools starting early, such as extra time for extracurricular activities. 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